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Init. Coffee

Coffee Whole Bean - Dawencho (100g)

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這款來自埃塞俄比亞Arbegona Sidama 的74110品種咖啡豆,經過試味後我們一致決定立即引入(還怕搶不到豆子,最後果然只得少量);一入口的感覺就有如在吃香印提子般十分香甜可口,Dawencho G/H/D Bunna Amrach農民聯盟果然是埃塞俄比亞2021卓越盃(Cup of Excellence, COE)的亞軍得主。




Everyone of us at Init. Coffee decided to order this batch of variety 74110 coffee beans from Arbegona, Sidama immediately after our tasting session (and indeed we only can secure a small amount due to its rarity and popularity). The first impression of this coffee is simply like tasting “shine muscat grape” – a premium grape from Japan. No wonder Dawencho G/H/D Bunna Amrach ranked 2nd in Cup of Excellence (COE) Ethiopia 2021.


Alongside producing premium coffee, farmers from Dawencho also grow coffee trees by organic methods. This coincides with our aim to promote coffee sustainability here at Init. Coffee. We decided to use light roast for this batch of beans and we are sure you would enjoy this premium offering.

原產地 Origin: Arbegona, Sidama, Ethiopia



Roast level: Light Roast

風味描述: 香印提子、白蘭花   

Taste notes: Shine muscat grape, white orchid



Process: Natural


批次 Varietal:74110