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Init. Coffee

Ichikawaya Coffee Beans - 市川屋 Blend (200g)

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京都珈啡選物⛩ - 市川屋珈啡 Ichikawaya Coffee  

在京都清水和三十三間堂之間,有一家町屋 ,屋外泊著一部紅色電單車,這次拜訪的是市川屋珈啡。

町屋已有200年歴史,曾被業主的祖父用作陶瓷藝術工作室,並於 2015 年成為喫茶店。走進町屋就見到一台龐大的Fuji Royal 烘豆機。我們坐在近窗的位置,陽光稍稍從窗簾滲入,點了市川屋的青磁 blend 手沖咖啡,味道柔和帶甜感。令人驚喜的是那湖水藍色的青瓷咖啡杯。杯子是清水燒,陶藝師市川博一先生巧妙地將杯口燒得稍薄稍寛,令咖啡的甜感更為清澈。

一邊喝咖啡一邊細察厚重的町屋橫樑和坪庭,我們度過了美好的時光。這次 Init 引入限量的市川屋珈啡豆 tasting set,將京都清水的咖啡風味帶到香港。


Between Kiyomizu and Sanjusangendo in Kyoto, there is a machiya with a red motorcycle parked outside. This is Ichikawaya Coffee.

With over 200-year of history, the machiya was used as a ceramic art studio by the owner's grandfather, and in 2015 it became a kissaten. Walking into the machiya, you will see a huge Fuji Royal roaster. We sat near the window, with the sunlight sneaking in through the curtains. We ordered Ichikawaya's Seiji Blend hand-brewed coffee, which tasted soft and sweet. The aquamarine celadon coffee cup was an extraordinary Shimizu-yaki. The potter, Mr. Hiroichi Ichikawa, skillfully designed the cup with a thinner and wider opening, highlighting the sweetness of the coffee.

Here at Init we introduce the Ichikawaya coffee bean tasting set, bringing the coffee flavor of Kyoto Shimizu to Hong Kong.


市川屋 Blend (200g)
Country of origin: Ethiopia, Brazil, Guatemala

A sweet scent with a gorgeous impression that gently slips through your nose with a rich finish. A drink to get up in the morning, a drink to relax after work. It is a classic blend of Ichikawaya that is designed to delight your everyday life. 

甜美的香味帶華麗,從你的鼻子輕輕滑過,餘味濃郁。 早上起來喝,下班後喝  放鬆一下。它是市川屋的經典Blend,旨在滿足日常生活的每個場景。