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Init. Coffee

Weekenders - Dripbag (Opera Blend, 5 bags)

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[京都珈啡選物⛩]Weekenders Coffee

Weekenders Coffee Roastery 的理念正是承傳京都「喫茶店」文化。河原町本店由傳統町家改建,造訪當天,甫進木門,右面就是烘爐,店主金子san正在準備烘培新的咖啡豆。點了一杯淺煎的盧旺達手沖咖啡,入口甘甜順滑,略帶茶感。再走進店中的庭園,週未陽光灑在待開的櫻花樹上,客人都十分享受這種氛圍。

Weekenders Coffee Roastery 至今開業17年,店主金子san 一直精益求精, 自2011年開始自家烘培,拜訪世界各地不同咖啡產區,由採購豆子以至鑽研烘培技術都一絲不苟,並於2016 年在富小路開設分店,吸引不少咖啡愛好者。

Init 的店主一致推薦Weekenders 的淺煎豆,有別日本傳統深煎烘焙,其花果香味清澄宜人,餘韻的透明感令人一試難忘。這次我們特別引入限量的單一產區豆子和掛耳包,跟各位分享京都的優質職人咖啡。

Weekenders Coffee Roastery shares the vision of preserving Kyoto’s unique culture of “Kissaten”. The flagship Roastery in Kawaramachi was remodelled from a traditional machiya. When we visited on a weekend, Mr Kaneko San, the owner and the roaster, was preparing to roast a new batch of coffee beans. We ordered a cup of hand-drip coffee with light-roasted beans from Rwanda. Bitter-sweet mouthfeel with a hint of tea note provided us all we needed for the weekend morning. The owner has designed a small in-house garden for people to hangout. The sun gently shone on the cherry blossom tree, delighting everyone sipping their coffee.

Since the inception of the brand 17 years ago, Mr Kaneko San has been perfecting his roasts. In 2011, Weekender Coffee Roastery was officially founded as an in-house roastery. Throughout the years the owner has visited numerous coffee suppliers, seeking to understand the global coffee scenery and improve his roasting skills. In 2016, they opened another shop in Tominokoji, serving even more coffee lovers. 

Here in Init we highly recommend the light roasts of Weekenders. The distinctive floral notes accompanied by a transparent aftertaste has been remarkable, standing out from the traditional Japanese dark roast coffee. We are introducing limited SOE coffee beans and drip bags from the brand, sharing the craft of Kyoto’s coffee with you.